Kappa Kappa Psi has 6 districts: Midwest, Northeast, Southwest, North, Southeast, and West.
The Epsilon Omega chapter at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is part of the Midwest district.
The Midwest district consists of 10 States:
- Montana
- Wyoming
- Colorado
- Kansas
- North Dakota
- Nebraska
- Minnesota
- Iowa
- Missouri
- South Dakota
- South Dakota currently has no KKPsi chapter
District Governor Officers
Actives elected - these are all student-held positions and elected at convention:
- President
- Vice President for Membership Education
- Vice President for Finance and Records
- Vice President for Programs and Outreach
District convention held yearly in the spring by a KKPsi and TBS chapter.
Bids for convention are held at convention the year prior.
For further inquiry about the Midwest District, the website is https://sites.google.com/kkpsi.org/mwdkkpsi/welcome-home
For further inquiry on the District as a whole, the website is https://www.kkpsi.org/.